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What Coaches Are Saying:
Tim consistently finds ways to provide honest, value driven signals in a sea of online noise. He’s one of the only training resources I trust to the point where I’d recommend my highest level athletes, my staff and even my own mother to him.

I have known Tim Caron for years and personally communicate with him weekly. His breadth and depth of knowledge and experience gives him a unique perspective on all things human, health, and performance.
Tim has put together a path to excellence utilizing his range of knowledge in a resource that all serious learners will find invaluable. Ph Podcast, blog, and curriculum will force you to critically think, stretch beyond your current abilities, and inevitably support your growth and evolution in all facets of your educational journey.

In a unfortunate strength and conditioning world where perception is more important than reality , Tim Caron sets himself apart . He has paid his dues , worked for years as leader and has continued on learning and working to push the field. He is one of the few strength coaches to actually listen to and follow.

With the number of methods, resources, and systems emerging in the expanding field of strength and conditioning, I have found myself looking at the 80/20 rule. I want to know the 20% of each area that will give me 80% of the results. Tim Caron’s pH education podcast is the resource that does just that. I want to know the best methods for leadership, program evaluation, strength development, movement, and nutrition.
Tim breaks down these topics and more. He guides you through the best practices and points you in the direction of the best resources. With Tim’s background in all areas of performance, I know I am getting what is practical and what will best help the athletes I work with.