Strength Coach Chronicle – Replacing Key People
Change is inevitable and we need to accept that. I have a motto: good coaches will have opportunities, but bad coaches will not. Find a way to replace the bad

In the Lab – Vector Based Training
Vector-based training is an underrated aspect of program design. We often get locked into a muscle group or movement pattern-based training splits, but what is usually lost is the impact

Strength Coach Chronicles: 2024 in Review
Podcast performance Health Podcast is how I started! It only makes sense I open with the podcast and what we talked about! We did 40 episodes this year broken up

Strength Coach Chronicles – Starting New
I wrote this blog last month, Stay Low and Look Forward. It was a look into the inevitable future for Strength Coaches in November. Change is inevitable and learning to manage

What I Am Reading – Keys to the Inner Universe, Bill Pearl
“I wish I had this book when I started my career!” We finished Bill Pearl’s seminal resource Keys to the Inner Universe with our Collective Group. The response was pretty

What I Am Reading – Muscle Smoke & Mirrors Volume I, Roach
There are some books that you come in contact with in your life that change you. My top ones in no particular order are Tuesdays’ with Morrie The Last Lecture