In the Lab The Difference Between Strength Deficit and EUR
A common question I hear is whether or not the Strength Deficit (SD) is the same as the Eccentric Utilization Ratio (EUR). For context, they both are the same test,

Strength Coach Chronicles – UNC Exercise Selection Workshop
This past weekend had the opportunity to speak at the University of North Carolina on Exercise Selection, I wanted to write a quick blog about my experience. First off, my

In the Lab – Buying a Non Motorized Curved Treadmill
So I got a treadmill recently and wanted to break down why. To be more specific, I got a non-motorized curved treadmill and that was intentional. I would not consider

What I am Reading Pragmatic Thinking & Learning, Andy Hunt
Before I review this book I want to share with you how I find books. Simply, I pay attention. When I visit a strength coach or someone I respect, I

Strength Coach Chronicles – Strength Coach Diversification
I feel as though we are experiencing an evolution within S&C for strength coaches. There are a lot more coaches who are taking on roles outside of the weight room

What I am Reading – Injury Free Running by Tom Michaud
This was a good book. If you work with clients that run, you will get a lot from this. But there is more to this. Running mechanics are not complicated: