In the Lab – Strength Coach Conditioning Tests
Let’s talk conditioning tests, not for our athletes, but for ourselves. What is fitness for a Strength Coach? Is it the ability to knock out back-to-back 300-yard shuttles both in

Strength Coach Chronicles – Limitations of Concentrically Oriented Training
Here’s a thought, all of your results are probably 30% less than they should be, if not more. Why I can say that is you are probably only going to

In the Lab – Buying a Back Extension/Glute Ham
There are a lot of options for buying a back extension now. The advent of remote-based training has opened a ton of options for equipment and there is a lot

What I am Reading – When Breathe Becomes Air, Paul Kalanithi
Mortality is an interesting conversation. I read these books from time to time. Not because I am curious about death or I seek some greater meaning from life. But does

In the Lab – Buying a Cold Plunge
Why would anyone need a cold plunge? I have a driver for this decision, which is important to note because this could be a huge waste of money. I get

Strength Coach Chronicles – Internship Programs
Chances you have an internship program if you are in the team setting. The biggest question is what are you or the people interning getting from this experience? We all