Vector-based training is an underrated aspect of program design.
We often get locked into a muscle group or movement pattern-based training splits, but what is usually lost is the impact on controlling and producing force in a specific direction, AKA vectors such as horizontal, vertical, and rotational.
Lower Body
Generally, we can think of knee-dominant pushing patterns as the vertical vector-based pattern for the lower body. When squatting, a vertical thorax and pelvis are the clearest indication of control during a knee-dominant pushing pattern. If we cannot prevent horizontal movement of the pelvis backward and thorax forward during squatting we limit vertical force and power. To keep an upright torso, we will need a forward translation of the tibia which is the ideal sequencing to produce vertically during a jump. Forward translation of the tibia allows for a downward decent of the pelvis and thorax during the counter movement during a vertical jump. It is the management of the horizontal vector during a squatting pattern that becomes the most important for vertical jumping.
We can think of hip dominant pulling-hinging patterns as the horizontal vector-based pattern for the lower body. We want horizontal displacement of the pelvis (back) and thorax (forward) during hinging because that is the movement’s emphasis. If we prematurely get vertical in a deadlift by allowing the tibias to translate forward, we have lost control of the vector we wanted to work. The ability to hinge with a more vertical tibia and forward translation of the thorax allows for horizontal transfer during jumping. The movement of the torso downward and forward creates an eccentric load of the hip musculature for horizontal propulsion.
During vertical jumping, a loss of vector control and force output plays out by applying a ‘hip-dominant strategy’ during vertical jumps or a ‘knee-dominant’ during horizontal jumps. When athletes lose the ability to control the horizontal vector during a vertical jump they adopt a more horizontal hip-dominant strategy. This is what we are attempting to do when hinging but with a vertical vector-based movement. To jump as high as possible, it would make sense to maintain a more upright posture and create as much force vertically. We want to leverage more ankle dorsiflexion with a vertical thorax pelvis to produce maximal force vertically. It is a matter of controlling the center of mass eccentrically to produce a propulsive force in the vector we are trying to move in. Vertical propulsion output is the immediate reaction to the preceding vertical loading we utilize.
The opposite is true for horizontal jumps and adopting a more vertical knee-dominant strategy. If we ‘dip’ vertically when trying to produce force horizontally, we diminish output horizontal propulsion. Maintaining a vertical tibia, a posterior translation of the pelvis, and a forward translation of the thorax organizes our center of mass to essentially slingshot ourselves horizontally. If we want maximal horizontal propulsion, we will need the preceding load in the horizontal vector.
We have a better chance to control these movements when they are slower. A more vertical position during a squatting pattern is more correctable than during a jumping pattern. The same is true for hinging and horizontal jumping. We have a better chance to control horizontal loading during a slower hinge than a horizontal-based jump. That should be our focal point with controlling vectors. The simplest way to explain this, is we have more time and control to organize our movement strategy when we are moving slower. We can also place constraints on the position of the load or the position of our position of our feet to facilitate the vector we want to work in.
As we break down the technique for squatting, we should think about how it translates to vertical jumping. I will make a disclaimer here, I believe that absolute load is overrated. Powerlifting is not training, it is a sport. Adopting a strategy to lift more weight is a mistake more times than it is a benefit. If you are trying to increase power by measuring the improvement vertical jump, your focal point should have a torso position that is perpendicular to the ground. This will require a dorsiflexed ankle. That will come at the expense of a potential load. I rather be an athlete in a high-constraint environment such as a leg press and keeping thorax/pelvis perpendicular to the resistance if absolute load and potential force are the goal. Some weak athletes benefit incredibly by increasing external load. My point would be that an increase in ‘strength’ should not come at the expense as the mechanics that are pre-requsuite to the vector we want to work in. If limited force is the problem, applying more constraints to control vectors is our best strategy to correspond to the outcome we want.

Variations where it is easier to maintain a more vertical position include anterior loading such as goblet position, zercher position, or front rack position. The pelvis reacts to the thorax. If the sternum is kept down, the pelvis nutates and you maintain a more upright position. That becomes a game of sorts when trying to correspond to vertical jumping. Can we maintain a nutated pelvis during high-speed eccentric loading? It is the eccentric loading that precedes amortization that is the primary point of concern. Length-tension precedes force-velocity. If we want to have vector-specific power, we will need vector-specific control. We can also manipulate the foot position with the heels elevated which encourages nutation from the bottom up. Where we load our resistance and place our feet has tremendous impact on how we can load the vector we want to work. Your litmus is not with submaximal loads, it is with threshold loads. Higher intensity, volume, or density will all create nervous system and arcthcicual changes. If we can maintain the vector when at threshold, we are going to see the change we want in performance.
Alternatively, with hinging, we want a counter-nutated pelvis. This pulls on the hamstring creating torque around the hip. To create more torque we will need a fixed tibia. Position of the feet is your best weapon to encourage counter-nutation of the pelvis. We are in effect falling backwards with our feet elevated (relative to heels). The pelvis goes into counter-nutation to facilitate a thorax to translate forward with more ‘rigidity’. My strategy is to look at the position of the load the person is comfortable with. Encouraging anterior tilting (lifting of the pump handle) of the thorax is the goal. However, there is so much to say about comfortability with posteriorly loaded positions like a barbell on the back, becomes harder to say that is the default position. Again, what is going to allow us to maintain optimal vector control at threshold? If we are breaking. at the knees and trying leverage more mechanical advantage by tilting more upright, we are losing our transfer to horizontal vector.
The bottom line can we keep our torso more vertical during squats and our torso more inverted during hinges good mechanics are the goal. Choose the position of the load and placement of the feet that allows for the best vector control.