Nutrition Overview -How do we influence Bioenergetics?
When in doubt prepare for uncertainty – Create Variability
We have very little predictability of what will happen when our clients and athletes interact with the world. In fact, the more we try to reduce the likelihood of an outcome the more unexpected it will be. The concept of Nutrition is about making a small target bigger. It will not be about giving exact protocols. It will be about the framework of why having more potential in physiology is a better strategy to interact with a chaotic world. Shifting the focus to probabilistic thinking combined with having a larger bandwidth to handle variance will be the premise of Nutrition.
This portion of the curriculum is again not a checklist or to-do list. It is a framework that magnifies certain elements of Nutrition. Do we have metabolic flexibility? Do we have an energy balance? When we reach thresholds of velocity, or capacity do we have the variability of our systems (Nervous System, Cardiovascular, Endocrine)? It is not a matter of if a variance is coming, it is a matter of when a variance is coming. The faster we can come to the conclusion that preparing for random is best achieved by increasing our variability the better chance we can be successful.
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